Today, I am excited to announce the launch of the new and improved PIUS website. Along with an updated appearance, we’ve streamlined our communication and navigation.
As our business continues to grow, it has become increasingly important to not only clearly articulate PIUS’ offerings, but to efficiently speak to our key audiences: technology companies and lenders. One of the main differences you may notice is that we have separated out sections on the new site for each.
Though things may look a bit different, our mission remains the same: to enable larger loan amounts at better rates for growing technology companies, by utilizing a company’s intellectual property as collateral. PIUS’ proprietary insurance product transfers the risk from the lender to the insurer and provides more complete coverage than other policies.
PIUS completed its first deal in 2017 with Ayla Networks and East West Bank, helping secure a $9M loan. As of today, PIUS has executed five transactions with varying types of structures and lenders, all utilizing PIUS’ proprietary insurance program.
As we look toward the future and what’s next for PIUS and insured technology financing, we are encouraged to see not only growth for PIUS, but the industry as a whole. We welcome new entrants like AON into the market, helping us validate the need for insured technology financing. As the sector grows, we plan to stay true to what we have always been, concentrating on growth-stage technology companies, and helping them obtain more financing at better rates – while also offering lenders a competitive advantage by mitigating loan risk and enabling them to expand their portfolios.
I hope you’ll have a look at PIUS’ new website and contact us if you’re interested in hearing more about the PIUS program.