technology assessment

What Are Trade Secrets and How Do They Add Value to Your IP Portfolio?

When performing a technology assessment on a new technology, we take an in-depth look at the company’s intellectual property (IP) portfolio and consider how the IP relates to the company’s product offerings, business model, and the market and competitive landscape. The IP portfolio consists of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.  A trademark is an identifying design

What Are Trade Secrets and How Do They Add Value to Your IP Portfolio? Read More »

5 Things to Consider in a Technology Bubble

Many technologies undergoing rapid development can be considered “cutting-edge” technologies, meaning they are either the most advanced in a particular field, or they are pushing the boundaries of knowledge and information. Sometimes, the excitement and fervor over cutting-edge technologies can cause technology bubbles, which refers to the distinct and unsustainable market rise due to increased speculation in

5 Things to Consider in a Technology Bubble Read More »

When Should a Growing Technology Company Seek Debt Financing?

In many growth-stage technology companies, the question about when to raise equity or seek debt financing can raise many questions and considerations. It’s important to make the distinction that, generally, debt is not a substitute for equity, but rather they can be very complimentary.  Debt also comes in many forms and for different purposes. Typically, when

When Should a Growing Technology Company Seek Debt Financing? Read More »